We make initial reports, follow-up reports, supplemental and MMI/permanent and stationary reports. We have professionals who are trained in ACOEM/MTUS guidelines and provide the impairment rating as per the guidelines.
Review of Medical Records
We review the medical records, whether it is one page or thousands of pages (hospital records, AME/PQME reports, etc.), and provide comments on the records by reviewing the case thoroughly.
Our team of professionals makes RFAs according to the guidelines reducing the number of denials. We do not only make the RFAs but fax the RFAs to insurance companies on the doctor’s behalf.
Denial Rebuttals
We have a specialized team who constantly studies the IMR overturns. We have thousands of IMR decisions in our database. Our team will rebut your denials and increase the number of certifications.
Medical Transcription Services
We make initial reports, follow-up reports, supplemental and MMI/permanent and stationary reports. We have professionals who are trained in ACOEM/MTUS guidelines and provide the impairment rating as per the guidelines.
Review of Medical Records
We review the medical records, whether it is one page or thousands of pages (hospital records, AME/PQME reports, etc.), and provide comments on the records by reviewing the case thoroughly.
Our team of professionals makes RFAs according to the guidelines reducing the number of denials. We do not only make the RFAs but fax the RFAs to insurance companies on the doctor’s behalf.
Denial Rebuttals
We have a specialized team who constantly studies the IMR overturns. We have thousands of IMR decisions in our database. Our team will rebut your denials and increase the number of certifications.